Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Questions for God, Part 2

I'm short on time (and brainpower) for a blog entry today, so I will throw out another question for God when I die.

Where the heck did Cain's wife come from?

When Cain ditched Adam and Eve and Abel, he went somewhere else and started a family. So where did he get a wife? Did God create other people somewhere else and he found them? Did he take a sister with him?

Monday, August 22, 2005

The problem with online friends...

Considering my online friends are the ones who will be reading this, I suppose I'm being a bit daring with my title today. But allow me to explain. The trouble with online friends is that you have to be able to get online in order to interact with them. This past week, I did not have that "luxury", though it truly has become a necessity in my house.

Yes my dear blog readers, my high-speed internet connection was down for THREE days. That's three days, morning to night, of no birth board, no blogging, no trivia contests, and the worst: no email! No ordering pizza online, checking the weather forecast, looking up questions as they came up in conversation. My husband and I would frequently be having a conversation and one of us would say, "well, I could look that up, but our internet connection is down!".

Now mind you, our connection has been up and down for the last 2 months. I actually have Cox Communications outage phone line on speed dial, and I have memorized every one of their prompts I have to go through each time I call where a nice animated woman walks me through rebooting my modem. "I still can't see your modem online. There's really not much we can do till it comes back. Keep in mind, if you were talking to a technical service rep, you would just be waiting on the phone also." Bite me lady. I already did all that. My modem will NOT be coming "online" because my internet service IS NOT WORKING!!!

I finally get to a real live person afte 10 minutes who walks me through some more meaningless crap, like checking my IP address. All while I'm attempting to keep up with my two babies. We end each call with... "well, I can sent out a technician on day " which is always at LEAST 4 days away. Last time we went through this our internet was out Saturday and part of Sunday and magically returned on Sunday. Perhaps the high-speed internet fairy had arrived? Saturday when we called, our appointment was scheduled for Wednesday. Of course when he showed up on Wednesday, all had been fixed by the high-speed internet fairy. So he got about a foot in the door and left. The very next day, the connection was down when we got up in the morning. We kept expecting the high-speed internet fairy to show up and magically bring our connection back online, but she didn't arrive. We thought we might actually make it to our Sunday appointment and someone would see that we weren't smoking dope - our connection was actually down! But alas, that stupid fairy bit us in the ass again, and late Saturday afternoon poof! we had a connection back. So Sunday the technician ran some diagonsitics and told us that our connection was wonderful. As good as it could get. Absolutely NO explanation for why it had been down for three days. Terrific.

So I sit here with a little black cloud over my computer screen, just waiting for the high-speed internet fairy to wave her little wand and poof! make it go away again. And cause me to be friendless for several more days.

Monday, August 15, 2005

What color is the sky in your world?

This was always my obnoxious little phrase to use when someone was doing or saying something crazy. But at one point I started to think... is blue the same for everyone?

When I look out of my eyes, I see certain colors. For instance, I might be reading a book at tell my son, "this is a red ball". But is the color he sees as red the same color I see as red? Or does his red, perhaps, look like my green? Do everyone's eyes process color the same way? I figure this is one of those things we would never really know, because every time I see "my red" I say "that's red!" But maybe every time my son sees "my green" he says "that's red!", because it's HIS red.

This has become my explanation for mismatched outfits. Perhaps colors look different to the person who things orange and purple look good together. And I have always questioned why everyone thinks red and purple match. Perhaps MY red and purple don't match, but someone else's red and purple do match.

It's way too early on a Monday morning for this kind of analysis, so I will blog again later.

Friday, August 12, 2005

Questions for God, Part 1

I have a whole list of questions I'm going to ask God when I die about things that I just don't get. Most involve my desire to actually be able to interpret the Bible in a literal fashion. I get stuck sometimes. My Dad is a minister, so I've been well schooled in the Bible and think about stuff like this more than is probably healthy. I'll share one with you today.

So... God creates Adam and Eve, they are without sin, then there's the whole tree/apple thing and sin enters the world. Eve's "punishment" for her conniving part in this whole activity is that she will have pain in childbirth.

Here's where my confusion comes in. Eve was already made at this point, correct? She had ovaries, and a uterus, and a vagina. I will assume that God did not at this point make babies a lot BIGGER or her vagina a lot SMALLER. So how in the heck was it that childbirth was NOT going to be painful before this whole tree/apple episode? Were we going to be like kangaroos and get the babies out very tiny and keep them in some sort of pouch till they got bigger? Or did he have some other initial design on how babies were going to get out of another person?

Or even worse, did he know (in his omniscience) that Adam and Eve were going to screw up the whole Garden of Eden thing before they had kids, so he just made her that way to begin with, knowing it was coming. If that's the case, I start to have real concerns about the whole concept of free will.

So are you, my ever-faithful blog readers, starting to worry about how my brain works yet? =)

Thursday, August 11, 2005


So today I had CMT on (which, by the way, cannot be on when my husband is home) and my toddler was napping. I was dancing away with my 3-month-old to Gretchen Wilson's "When I Think of Cheating..." when I had what I would call a flashforward.

Suddenly I envisioned myself 25 years from now, dancing with my little boy at his wedding. Me being the small one as he leads me around the dance floor. What a fun thought!

I've had these flashforwards before. Such as when I envisioned my toddler talking to his friends in high school and saying, "Yeah, I never had a chance to be anything but a Steelers fan. My Dad had me in a Jerome Bettis jersey when I was 6 months old!"

I often wonder what my boys will be like, and look like, when they get older. And I'm so excited to find out!

One leg at a time... just like everyone else?

I'm sure you recall the old saying that when you think someone is better or more important than you, you should remember: they put their pants on one leg at a time, just like everyone else. But what about skirts?

This morning for some reason, I was thinking about how people put skirts on. Not sure why this came to mind as I haven't worn a skirt in a VERY long time. But alas, that is what popped into my ever-sleep-deprived mind.

I have always stepped into my skirts - one leg at a time. I assumed this is how everyone did it. Until one day when I was young, my Nana fell while stepping into her skirt and broke some bone (can't remember what it was, but it was something relatively important). My Mom said "what was she doing stepping into a skirt?!?!?". I was understandably confused and said "how else would she put it on?"

Turns out my Mom puts her skirts on over her head. How in the world I learned to step into them if my Mom put them over her head I have NO earthly idea. We went to private school growing up and had to wear skirts every day, so it's not like the topic didn't come up.

It appears the logic for putting a skirt over one's head is so that the shirt is automatically tucked in, avoiding the annoying process of tucking in after it is on. However, my logic always was that since the skirt resides completely on the lower half of the body, there is far less distance to travel coming from the bottom.

I wonder where the majority of American women stand on this topic. Stepping in? Or over the head? Yet another mystery to which I will never have the answer. Sigh.

Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Night Sky Over Las Vegas

It's too late to begin any real meaty topics, so I will quickly say Hello and explain the title of my blog. But first let me state that I am here as the direct result of peer pressure. I thought I got over that after high school, but apparently I am still able to be influenced by the actions of my peers; in this particular case, the other Mommies on my birth club bulletin board. Damn them! The only time I recall being this dead set against a trend and giving in was when capri pants came out. I hated them. I swore I'd never wear them. And I did hold out until I was pregnant and saw the CUTEST pair of maternity capri pants with embroidered hems and HAD to have them to wear to my bridal shower. That remained my only pair until after baby #2 was born. Now I wear capri sweat pants to avoid exposing my "had two babies a year apart" thighs in public. Or in private. I can't stand to look at them either.

Anyway... as I was sitting here contemplating what could possibly be interesting enough to serve as the title of my blog, I looked into my dining room and saw a picture hanging on our wall. It says "Night Sky Over Las Vegas" and the picture is of the way the sky looked from Las Vegas at the exact time my husband and I got married (in Las Vegas, of course - I'm sure you figured that one out). Given that was one of the happiest, most fun days of my life, and I love nights in Las Vegas, it sounded good to me.

I have no idea right now what this blog will turn into, but I have lots of random thoughts and interesting (to me at least) insights that I will be sharing with you, my blog-addicted public, in future entries.

Bet you just can't wait!