Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Night Sky Over Las Vegas

It's too late to begin any real meaty topics, so I will quickly say Hello and explain the title of my blog. But first let me state that I am here as the direct result of peer pressure. I thought I got over that after high school, but apparently I am still able to be influenced by the actions of my peers; in this particular case, the other Mommies on my birth club bulletin board. Damn them! The only time I recall being this dead set against a trend and giving in was when capri pants came out. I hated them. I swore I'd never wear them. And I did hold out until I was pregnant and saw the CUTEST pair of maternity capri pants with embroidered hems and HAD to have them to wear to my bridal shower. That remained my only pair until after baby #2 was born. Now I wear capri sweat pants to avoid exposing my "had two babies a year apart" thighs in public. Or in private. I can't stand to look at them either.

Anyway... as I was sitting here contemplating what could possibly be interesting enough to serve as the title of my blog, I looked into my dining room and saw a picture hanging on our wall. It says "Night Sky Over Las Vegas" and the picture is of the way the sky looked from Las Vegas at the exact time my husband and I got married (in Las Vegas, of course - I'm sure you figured that one out). Given that was one of the happiest, most fun days of my life, and I love nights in Las Vegas, it sounded good to me.

I have no idea right now what this blog will turn into, but I have lots of random thoughts and interesting (to me at least) insights that I will be sharing with you, my blog-addicted public, in future entries.

Bet you just can't wait!


At 9:36 AM, August 11, 2005, Blogger Precie said...

Yay, Peachickie!!! You're blogging!!! "All the cool kids are doing it." I can't wait to see what you say...Don't worry, though...if you ever want to feel better about not being in the mood to be witty or inspiring, just read my blog. Totally uninspiring and mundane.

At 10:11 AM, August 11, 2005, Blogger Smander said...

Hey PeaDiddy...wanna go smoke a joint or rob my neighbors? Bwahahaha!! The EVIL peer pressure strikes again!!

Just kidding...welcome about sweet Pea!


At 11:33 AM, August 11, 2005, Blogger Mel said...

hee hee hee...welcome to the ultimate black hole of time-sucking activities!

At 8:18 PM, August 11, 2005, Blogger Kristen Gill, Marketing Manager said...

OH...I am excited for your blog. I am so sorry that I started the BBC Blogging trend. I really didn't mean to coerce you into writing. I am so happy you jumped onboard though!


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