One leg at a time... just like everyone else?
I'm sure you recall the old saying that when you think someone is better or more important than you, you should remember: they put their pants on one leg at a time, just like everyone else. But what about skirts?
This morning for some reason, I was thinking about how people put skirts on. Not sure why this came to mind as I haven't worn a skirt in a VERY long time. But alas, that is what popped into my ever-sleep-deprived mind.
I have always stepped into my skirts - one leg at a time. I assumed this is how everyone did it. Until one day when I was young, my Nana fell while stepping into her skirt and broke some bone (can't remember what it was, but it was something relatively important). My Mom said "what was she doing stepping into a skirt?!?!?". I was understandably confused and said "how else would she put it on?"
Turns out my Mom puts her skirts on over her head. How in the world I learned to step into them if my Mom put them over her head I have NO earthly idea. We went to private school growing up and had to wear skirts every day, so it's not like the topic didn't come up.
It appears the logic for putting a skirt over one's head is so that the shirt is automatically tucked in, avoiding the annoying process of tucking in after it is on. However, my logic always was that since the skirt resides completely on the lower half of the body, there is far less distance to travel coming from the bottom.
I wonder where the majority of American women stand on this topic. Stepping in? Or over the head? Yet another mystery to which I will never have the answer. Sigh.
Something I have honestly never thought about, but now will probably injure myself doing as I overanalyze it. thanks a LOT!! ;)
I step in...and if I stopped to analyze it, I do if for the reason you described...because it's a "bottom." I also step into zip-up dresses.
LMAO!!! I put my skirt on one leg at a time and I, like your grandmother, am clumsy enough to have fallen numerous times while putting on a skirt. How about dresses that zip all the way down past the waist?
LOL...I step in, hike up!!
I step into anything that is large enough to fit my hips that way I don't mess up my hair! hehe!
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