Sunday, July 09, 2006

Is this thing working?

Today it occurred to me that I have not heard the phone ring for a long time. I mentioned it to my husband and he kind of laughed and said he remembered someone calling yesterday but didn't pick it up. So I went to check out our Caller ID.

Today: 0 calls
Yesterday: 1 call from a number I don't recognize (where is the 770 area code anyway?)
Day before: 1 call from me (calling from work)
Day before that: 1 call from me (calling from my cell phone)
Day before that: 1 call - Out of area (telemarketer)
Day before that: 0 calls
Day before that: 2 calls - both for Steve
Day before that: 1 call from my Mom
Day before that: 0 calls

You get the picture. Over a week's worth of calls and only one for me. From my mother. What the heck happened? I used to be fun. Had a social life. Had friends who would call me. Not that I have a heck of a lot of time to talk on the phone these days, but it would be nice if someone tried.

I think I've officially become a Mom with no life. Kind of a bummer. But hey - my kids are fun and they seem to like me.


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